CU Statement on Criminalization of Our Communities
We are against the criminalizing of our communities and neighborhoods. Referring to our neighborhoods as "gang-infested" and labeling our neighbors as gang members, affiliates, criminals, delinquents, etc. is not just stereotyping when it is used as evidence. When police document how we dress, how we speak, how we walk, how we look, how we socialize and who we are related to, in order to criminalize non-criminal behavior it is not just unjust, it is systemic oppression.
We are against the violations of basic civil rights. By using criminalizing and dehumanizing terms law enforcement is better able to disguise their abuse of power and disregard for basic legal protections for our communities. Law enforcement monitor us, categorize us, and place us on a gang database without being required to show cause in court or provide us with an attorney to defend ourselves even though there are real legal consequences for being placed on the gang database. This gang database is the primary evidence used to justify gang enhancements and gang injunctions. |
Our communities do not need civil restraining orders enclosing our neighborhoods. We do not need our youth streamlined into the criminal justice system.We need preventative programs that are not based on intimidation. We need rehabilitation programs that include job placement. We need holistic health care that addresses the individual, the family and community. We need wages that allow parents to work less hours and be home. We need authentic caring in schools that do not treat parents and students as the problem.
We need the city, the police departments, and the schools to stop diverting our attention by initiating, implementing and maintaining oppressive policies and practices so that we can spend our time building and creating solutions. We demand that our community approves any proposed enforcement policy, as we are the experts in our lives. We demand that those concerned do everything in their power to give our communities the opportunities it deserves to flourish educationally, physically, professionally, and spiritually. |
Until this happens we will continue fighting against oppression and advocating for each other within our communities. We are students, parents, laborers, and professionals from diverse ethnic, income, gender, age, and educational backgrounds who are dedicated to principles of justice, equality, love of family, community, culture, and reaching fair and honest decisions.